(Cooperative Information Network)

National Space Research and Development Agency

About ASTAL Southwest

Advanced Space Technology Applications Laboratory SouthWest ASTAL-Southwest (formerly Cooperative Information Network - COPINE) is the first regional space application laboratory located in the southwest geopolitical zone of Nigeria for space technology application activities; and to bring its products and services to the door step of all relevant stakeholders in the region.

copine logo

It is the first of the six (6) space application laboratories to be established by NASRDA.



To be a Regional Space Application Laboratory of excellence in Nigeria, through the utilization of space technology and its spin-off to all stakeholders at the grass root level.



To become a "One-Stop-Shop" for the provision of space derived products and services.


Provide vector model of the existing relevant natural resources map in the southwestern Nigeria.
Provide urban transportation network mapping.
Plot the level of urban information generation such for waste disposal, urban planning, boundary adjustments etc.
Provide regional landuse and landcover mapping.
Give short term practical capacity building training in GIS/RS and related IT technology for managers, planner, educators, individuals, private and government organizations etc.
Conduct research in earth surface-atmosphere cause and effects relationship within southwestern region.
Establish collaboration with relevant higher institutions, government and private stakeholders in space applications especially in Remote Sensing and GIS, rendering consultancy services and foster mutual public private partnership (PPP) towards the success and attainment of socio-economic development.